
SKU: 718b301

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Since 1961 Kaneko koi farm has been producing many different varieties of koi but they are most known for Shiro Utsuri, Kujaku and Beni Kujaku. Kaneko has roughly 60 mud ponds and 25 to 30 sets of parent koi.

The Kaneko Yorijo is a family run business so besides Yasuaki and Komei Yasuaki's mom and sister make up the rest of the staff. Mrs.. Kaneko and her daughter produce many Tomasaba gold fish which is a big draw for the local people.

If you have seen a beautiful Shiro Utsuri or Beni Kujaku at a koi show chances are it came from Kaneko Koi Farm.

Me and Kaneko, Kaneko's sister, AKCA Koi of the year bred by Kaneko owned by

Tom & Carol McWhirter.

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